“Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears.” ~Gillian Anderson

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Okay so be warned to all of my non kid friends out there, what i am about to share might be a little bit disturbing to you. It was disturbing to me to but pretty funny at the same time. So today I had put Olivia down for a nap, it wasn't her regular nap time so I wasn't really thinking she was going to sleep that long, I also just put her down in just her diaper, why, I don't know. Ten minutes later I hear talking to me just repeating the word mess, that was all she was saying was mess, mess, mess. Went to find out what the mess was thinking that her bottle had leaked, nope she had taken of her diaper and the was poop strewn over her blankets. Yes that is right poop, I know I was in total despair. Where do I begin, do I clean up the poop first or Livi. I cleaned up Livi and then started with the blankets. It wasn't that bad(as not bad poop can be), but just was not something I was expecting at all.


Bethany said...

Oh, the joy of kids! We haven't had it that bad yet, but we have gotten peed on a few times (gotta love boys).

EmmaJ said...

That is so funny! I love poop stories!

Whitney said...

congrats sian! Your child has entered Freud's Anal Stage! Coming up next is the phallic stage... excited??? hahha jk. do you guys know if you're coming here yet????? I hope so... :)