“Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears.” ~Gillian Anderson

Friday, January 21, 2011


Well we knew it would happen eventually, Olivia has glasses!  With my eyes and Damon's we knew that are kids are bound to have them.  She really only needs them right now for watching t.v. and school work.  She picked them out all by herself and she wanted red ones.  I think she looks adorable!


Stephen said...

so cute! Sophie too.

James and Elizabeth said...

She's adorable.

Megs said...

She looks So cute! and So grownup!

Michelle Tiller said...

Love them! Sophie looking gorgeous too. They are growing fast Sian! xxx

Cassie said...

Love the glasses! Glasses are the new big thing for 4yr olds just ask, Caydence! :)