Well lets see, this last weekend was the Pony Express Days for Eagle Mountain. Its our big fair and carnival. Friday night we went to the movie in the park which was lots of fun. Then Saturday there was a parade and then at the amphitheater in our subdivision they had a country concert with Josh Gracin and Daryl Worley. We didn't want to pay to go see them, so we went to our friends house for a BBQ and there backyard faces the park where the concert was. So we sat on their back porch and listened, it was lots of fun. We didn't stay for the end of the concert, but at 11:30 they had a fire works. I sat in our bathroom on the edge of the tub and watched it. All the rest of the family was asleep.
Olivia also rode on carnival rides for the first time this last weekend, and she really liked it. She would have stayed all day going on the same rides, but luckily for me we had to be somewhere. I don't know what it is about carnivals, but I'm just not a fan. Maybe its the carnies that kind of gross me out, no I know it is the carnies.
We had a WIC appointment this week, and since it was the first time for Sophie she had to get registered so they weighed and measured her. She weighs 9lbs12oz and was 21 inches long. 75%centile for weight and 50Th for height. She is a little chub, she is only one month and is a pound and 12 ounces heavier. It is so strange for me to have a chubby baby, Olivia was so little for so long. Sophie just likes to eat all the time. I'll nurse her which is never enough so then after I have nursed her she will eat at least 2ounces if not more, usually more.
We are doing good, I'm exhausted most days and would love to have just a couple of more hours of sleep. Olivia is doing great potty training, she is in underwear everyday now, the only time she isn't is when we go out. I don't know what your supposed to do when you go out. Do I keep her in her undies? Other than that she is doing fantastic, she gets a mini marshmallow for going potty, 1 for pee, 2 for poo, so that has been a big push at getting her to go. She loves mini marshmallows. I'm so glad though that she is getting there. I love not having to change her diaper during the day!
Yay for potty training! I am glad Olivia is taking to it well. We always just left Carter in his underwear when we went out and made sure we did really frequent reminders to go potty. I have heard of putting a pull up on over underwear though. That way she still gets the sensation of wetting her pants if she has an accident, but you don't have a mess to clean up in the middle of the store, nor are you encouraging her to just go in her pull up and regress every time you leave the house. Just a suggestion. I am sure you'll make it all work. Love the pictures!!
OK, a couple things- One I can't believe you let Livi on that train ride. It looks similar to the one you, Dad, and I were on that tipped over! I guess there weren't any prop animals fallen over on the tracks though.
Second- I have friends that keep potties in their cars and when this little one has to go they just go back out to the car. Then use a diaper trash bag to clean it up if it is #2 or just wash it out with some water if it is number 1. Or it you have Sophie is a stroller just keep the potty in the bottom of the stroller and go into a rest room.
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